GRS - Geneva Reading Series
CCC - Center for Calling and Career
CSE - Center for Student Engagement
FYE - First Year Experience
L&T - Learning and Transition; Every freshman must take this seminar-style course IM Intramurals
Turbo - The name of both our tornado mascot & our campus cat
Brig - Brigadoon, a dining choice for students Located in the Student Center
Alex's - Alexander Hall, the campus dining hall
RP - Reformed Presbyterian
Calling/Vocation - More than just a job
Worldview - The lens through which we view the world
Poli Sci - Political Science course that every student takes
FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
S&E - Science and Engineering Building
BFCAT - ("biffcat") Beaver Falls Coffee & Tea Company; Coffee shop across the street from Alex's
JWC - John White Chapel, located in Old Main
MGN - My Generation Night; Students perform the music that defines their generation
Immersion Trips - Spring Break service-learning and adventure trips offered through the Center for Student Engagement
RD - Resident Director: full-time staff member who oversees a residence hall
Flex Points - Money in your account (accessed with your ID card) that buys snacks & drinks in the Riverview, Brig, and local places like Papa John's
Upper Room - A weekly student-led praise service
Crossroads - The study abroad and international student office
SSC - The Student Success Center provides academic tutors and supports students
GA - Graduate Assistants: staff members that are in a graduate program and work in offices around campus